Become a Member
Joining the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce introduces you to a network of local business people all working to make Springfield a prosperous and successful town. There are many perks of joining such as exclusive events and newsletters, discounted dental and vision insurance for your employees, and business referrals for visitors. Contact us for more information about membership using the form below.
Member Benefits
Membership Investment
Industrial/Manufacturing, Retail, Contractors, Printers, & Wholesalers
Base $160.00
For each employee $9.00
Professional, Auto, Restaurants, & Motels
Base $215.00
For each employee $9.00
Financial Institutions
Base $215.00
Per million of local branch deposits $30.00
Bed & Breakfasts
Per Guesthouse $150
Artists or Agricultural (no year-round retail)
Per Artist or Farm $100.00
Non-Profit Organizations
Base $150.00
Individual Supporting
Per Person $90
Per Person $45
Spouse of a Member
Per Person $45
Per Person $150
Per Person/Group $150