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Time flies! Summer is here and the Leadership Southeast Vermont program will soon be starting up Sessions for the 2017-18 course. LSEVT serves both Windham and Windsor counties, preparing individuals to meet the challenges of the future. We are hopeful to get strong participation this year, and while the applications are rolling in, there are still plenty of spots available to be filled.

Last year’s class was the largest in the history of the seventeen year program. The 2017 graduating class had eighteen participants from Brattleboro, Springfield, and surrounding towns. Three teams collaborated on group projects to serve our immediate communities, and the graduates are now better connected within the region and more informed about ways to have a positive impact in our neighborhoods.

The Leadership Southeast Vermont program is an immensely valuable learning and growth opportunity. The course fosters an increased understanding of the issues facing our neighborhoods and creates awareness of the resources available to meet those challenges. You will gain experiences in this course that you can get no other way! Class participants have a shared commitment to becoming active leaders in their communities and improving the future of Southeast Vermont. If you are interested to join us, now is the time to contact us for more information. If someone you know could benefit from the class, please make the connection and send them our way!

Early applicants receive a tuition discount, so don't miss the Early Bird Deadline: July 15th. Thank you for helping us to inspire local individuals to become the trustees of our community. Please spread the word!

Contact the Chamber at 802-885-2779 or email for details. More information can be found at our website:

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