Volunteer with Us!
As a small non-profit organization with only 2 part-time staff, we rely heavily on our volunteers. We use volunteers for all sorts of activities, some of our biggest volunteer events are The Vermont Apple Festival & Craft Show and Green Up Day, but we also need volunteers throughout the year for various smaller events and tasks.
As the local Chamber of Commerce, we also act as the Welcome Center for the Town of Springfield. At the moment the welcome center is the lobby of our office (56 Main Street) but in the past, and potentially in the future, it has been at the historical Eureka Schoolhouse. Volunteers are essential for keeping the welcome center open to the public.
If you are interested in contributing to the growth of Springfield and the Chamber, we also need volunteers to help drive the chamber forward in the areas of governance and business recruitment. If you are a member and interested in joining the Board of Directors, please reach out!