Every year the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce decorates the lamp posts on Main Street in downtown Springfield with banners and white lights to bring twinkle and cheer to the neighborhood during the winter months. This tradition creates an inviting avenue for visitors passing through our lovely town and brings about a sense of warmth and community for all who live here. Many of the lights we used in the past were worn out or broken, so we asked the community for help with replacing them. The outpouring of enthusiasm and financial support has been overwhelming. We are so grateful and moved by everyone’s generosity. Thanks to Bibens Home Center for their support, and we’d also like to express our gratitude to Christmas Trees at Bishop Farm for donating such a beautiful tree for the Downtown Holiday Program. Much appreciation goes to our partners, Springfield On the Move and the Springfield Garden Club, for the lovely wreathes, and for adding extra sparkle to the adjacent trees, and thanks to the downtown businesses that decorated their storefronts so creatively. And a special thank you to HB Energy Solutions for hanging the banners and doing such a beautiful job of putting up the lights. HB provides us with an enormous amount of assistance with this project, and we’d like to give a huge shout out to Brian Hernon and his team for their amazing efforts setting up Santa’s house and doing the legwork for the tree lighting ceremony. Thank you also to the Town of Springfield for approving some necessary repairs to the light poles. The downtown avenue is looking festive and bright, and the Chamber wants to express utmost appreciation to the following organizations and individuals who helped to Light the Poles for the holiday season:
Rewind 106.5 WCFR
Springfield Supported Housing Program
Rundle & Rundle PLLC
Bibens Home Center
Char & Steve Osterlund
Denise E. Photography
Mike & Judi Martin
The Hartness House Inn
The Garfields
Jeanice Garfield - in honor of all those who work to educate our children
Buddy & Deanna Dexter
In Memory of Earl Grennan
BST Builders
Vermont Adult Learning for Windsor County
Mary Perry
Bruce & Cheryl Cox
Kimberly Cordner
Springfield Area Parent Child Center
Diane Kemble for Gallery at the VAULT
DuBois & King
FOSTERing WELLNESS Springfield
Lawrence & Wheeler Insurance
Dragonfly Designs
Employees of People's United Bank
WW Building Supply
Marilyn Young
Muse & Associates Real Estate
In Honor of Michael A. Laskevich and Harold "Chan" Chandler
Edward Foster
Walter Martone
Clever Cow Designs
Alice Emmons
In Memory of LCpl Kurt E. Dechen
David & Sophia Green
Rose Lucenti
The Huck Family in memory of Edward Huck
Springfield Senior Center
Doug & Judi Priestley