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Historic Downtown Main St = Heart of Springfield


We at the Chamber do not support any name change for

Main St in Springfield, Vermont.

We hope that you'll let your voice be heard at this meeting.


Planning Commission Meeting & Public Hearing to discuss renaming downtown Springfield's Main Street

From Jessica Martin - Springfield On The Move

You may be impacted by a significant decision that the Planning Commission and Selectboard are considering. Springfield is working with the State of Vermont to become E-911 compliant and many street names and street numbering changes are on the docket in order to fulfill the State's requirements. These changes are being made because of potential (or in some cases, there already has been) confusion when emergency services are needed at addresses in which there is more than one street with the same or a very similar name. One such confusion has arisen due to Main Street in downtown Springfield and two Main Streets in North Springfield.

At the Planning Commission meeting last week, the first round of discussions took place and the consideration of renaming downtown Springfield's Main Street to River or South River Street was narrowly voted down 3-2, with one PC member not present and one recusing herself. It will be discussed again at the March 2, 2022, Planning Commission meeting.

As a business or property owner (or you're currently working with businesses or property owners who would be affected by the name change) I am asking that you please set aside time to attend via Zoom or in person if you do NOT want to see your Main Street address in downtown Springfield changed (Zoom invite is below).

As the Designated Downtown organization, SOM does not want this change due to our current marketing strategies of attracting people to Springfield's historic downtown Main Street. Additionally, several new businesses have opened their doors (CoOp, Black River Coffee Bar, Shear Beauty Salon, Working Fields) because they wanted to be on Main Street. There are also approximately 140 residents and almost 40 businesses who would have to change their Main Street address. This does not mean we don't think Main Street in North Springfield isn't historic or that a name change for those approximately 80 property owners and 6 businesses (plus one church and post office) won't be a hassle; the impact of the change would affect far less people in North Springfield than Springfield and one HAS to be changed for safety reasons.

Those affected in downtown Springfield (yellow indicates historic building):

-Shannon's Upscale Resale

-Alaura's New Nail Salon

-Black River Coffee Bar

-The Odd Fellows Building

-SEVCA's Good Buy Store

-H&R Block

-The Woolson Block Building (approx 24 residents and Shear Beauty Salon)

-Springfield Town Library

-The Dance Factory

-The Free Mason's Building

-The Congregational Church

-Claremont Savings Bank and tenants (Dubois & King and Marchica Law)

-Lovejoy Tool Company

-Springfield Parks & Rec

-Springfield Senior Center

-Calvary Baptist Church

-Larkin Dentistry

-Springfield Post Office

-Springfield Town Hall

-Easter Seals

-The Huber Building (approx 50 residents)

-The VAULT (Bank Block Building)

-The Copper Fox (Bank Block Building)

-Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce (Bank Block Building)

-State of Vermont Employment Agency (Bank Block Building)

-Dufresne Group (Bank Block Building)

-Working Fields (Bank Block Building)

-Brady & Donahue Law Office (Bank Block Building)

-Lawrence & Wheeler, A Division of The Richards Group

-Village Pizza (Sparrow Block Building)

-Sheri's Place (McKinley Block Building)

-Springfield Cinemas 3 (Ellis Block Building)

-Ellis Block Building residents (approx 9)

-Lamb & McNaughton Law Offices (Lincoln Block Building)

-People's Bank

-Springfield Food CoOp

-all private residents along the Main Street corridor from 1 Main to the bridge at the Senior Center not mentioned above (approx 50 people)

Please reach out should you have any questions.

The Zoom meeting invite is below.

Thank you for your consideration and time.



Zoom Invite:

Town of Springfield is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Planning Commission Meeting & Public Hearing

Time: Mar 2, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 858 2535 0235

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Meeting ID: 858 2535 0235

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