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The Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce Springfield’s 2nd Annual Holiday Local Loyalty Program! The Chamber is working in collaboration with the Springfield Food Co-op and area merchants to bring this fun and rewarding opportunity to the community again this year. The aim is to unite local businesses to cooperatively cross-promote the wonderful products and services available in the Springfield region, and encourage shoppers to keep their dollars local this holiday season. The program will kick off on Plaid Friday (November 29th) and will run through December 31st. Each participating business will feature a raffle prize, and shoppers will have the chance to enter the raffles through a Local Loyalty stamp card process. The stamp cards will be available and valid at all participating businesses, so the more money folks spend in these local establishments, the more they’ll increase their chances of winning one of the raffles. Shoppers will receive one stamp for every $5 or $10 spent, and once they fill a $100 card, they can enter it into the raffle of their choice. In January, each business will draw a raffle winner, and the prizes will be awarded accordingly.

For businesses interested to participate, the cost is $30 for Chamber members and $60 for non-members. The Chamber will provide the merchants with stamp cards, stamps, and posters, and will be promoting the program and participating merchants via e-newsletters, social media, print, etc. The deadline to sign up is Friday, November 8th. Please contact us for more info.

We hope you will join us in the collective endeavor to spread cheer and strengthen spending in Springfield this holiday season! Questions? Call Caitlin at the Chamber: 802-885-2779 or email To stay informed about participating businesses, their raffle prizes, and ongoing program news, please Follow the official Springfield Local Loyalty Event through the Chamber’s Facebook page. We’re excited to celebrate Springfield with all of you!

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