SPIRIT OF SPRINGFIELD! Tales from a Pandemic…
brought to you by the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce
A Collaborative Storytelling of Community Resilience
Celebrating the 2020 Citizens of Springfield, VT
You’re invited! The Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce “Spirit of Springfield,” a year-long collaborative community project celebrating the Citizens of Springfield, Vermont and sharing our stories of collaboration, support, and resilience - all the ways that we have come together and cared for each other during the challenges of the pandemic. We’ve created a public “kudoboard,” which is a digital bulletin board for collecting people’s input. This space is for EVERYONE - residents, local leaders, students, senior citizens, business professionals, community members, even folks who may live out of town but work in Springfield - anyone connected to our town. Think of it like a time capsule for capturing all the memories, big and small, of what it’s been like living in Springfield, VT during these strange times, and creating a record of all the things we’ve done - for our neighbors, our community, and ourselves - to survive (and sometimes even thrive!) during the unprecedented collective experience of COVID-19. At the end of the project, our aim is to print everyone’s contributions in a book so that we can give copies to the library, the historical society, and have copies available for sale (with proceeds going to benefit a good local cause). We encourage you to share your experiences on this page, through photos, videos, and written words - tell us your tales!
Kudoboard Guidelines:
Shout-outs are encouraged! Help us spread the word about folks who have been doing good things for others. Stories of all acts of kindness, great and small, are welcome here.
Be creative! Incorporate your photos, videos, poems - any sort of content that will help you to fully express your story.
Be kind. Be civil. Insulting/bullying/trolling comments will not be tolerated.
No spamming or advertising.
Have fun with it! ❤️
Inspiration & Ideas:
Post gratitude about healthcare professionals and essential workers who have been risking their lives every day to protect people’s health and support our community
Kudos to that amazing friend of yours that made a million masks! Or tell the tale of how you got your first mask
Share a story about neighbors helping neighbors
Post pics and celebrations of awesome kids who are doing cool things
Recognize senior citizens and their unique stories
Shout-outs to businesses that are creatively adapting to the challenges of these unusual times
Thank yous to groups and organizations that have been stepping up and finding innovative ways to help folks in our community
Announcements of wonderful collaborations and partnerships that have emerged in the midst of all the chaos and struggle
Appreciations for folks that are supporting the mental and emotional health of our citizens
Stories of our local Seniors - the graduating Class of 2020!
What’s a silver lining that has come out of the pandemic that you are grateful for? What is something you've experienced or learned that never would have happened if not for the pandemic? More time with your kids? Pursuing a new interest or hobby? Layers of self-discovery?
Noticing the small stuff - random acts of kindness, that friendly cashier that always manages to brighten your day, little pockets of positivity
We’re so excited about this project and we hope you’ll join us in this shared opportunity to commemorate our collective pandemic experience! To access the Spirit of Springfield kudoboard, please visit https://www.springfieldvt.com/spirit-of-springfield. Questions? Call 802-885-2779 or email alice@springfieldvt.com.